Set your amore on things above, not on things on the earth.
— Colossians iii:ii

When Denise and I attended the annual International Antiquarian Exposition in Moscow, I was stunned by the vast corporeality of wealth that was on display. There were acres and acres of antique article of furniture, bronze and marble sculptures, marvelous gilded-gold clocks veneered in rich malachite, jewelry, paintings by earth-class artists, and rare porcelain objects of all shapes and sizes. Denise and I walked downwardly row afterward row and flooring after floor of what seemed like an endless bout of rare treasures that were available for those with plenty cash to purchase them. The brand-new, sparkling white Rolls Royce that sat at the master entry should have signaled what lay before united states of america — but the extensive number of treasures on exhibition was just more than than we could have ever predictable.

What was every bit amazing was the number of people who seemed to take sufficient resource to have some of those treasures home with them. I stood back and watched the potential buyers in anaesthesia. Information technology was obvious that many of them were of the richer Russian upper class and knew what they were looking for and were evidently experts on the subject of rare art and treasures as they negotiated their purchases. It seemed like Denise and I were the only ones there just to roam equally onlookers and relish an afternoon outing. But even though these objects were across our fiscal reach and we had no need of them, I could feel their lure reaching out to grab hold of me.

*[If y'all started reading this from your e-mail, begin reading here.]


After strolling through acres of treasures, Denise and I took a seat on a padded demote to give our anxiety a break from the difficult surface of the exhibition hall. Equally we sat there, I realized that I had pondered on these material objects too long. Then I began to reflect on eternal treasures instead — those things that are in Heaven and that never fade with the passing of time. Specifically, my mind went to Colossians 3:1 and two, which says, "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are to a higher place, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the globe." Based on this scriptural command, I knew it was time for me to brand a deliberate decision to r efocus my mind on eternal things.

We finished our afternoon stroll and returned home, where I opened my Greek New Testament to look upwards this passage in Colossians 3. When I turned to these verses in the Greek text, I discovered that the give-and-take "seek" in verse 1 is the Greek discussion z eteo. This give-and-take ways to earnestly seek. It doesn't describe a casual seeker, but rather 1 who makes an hostage inquiry for something and so intense that it causes one to put his whole try forward in search of it. Then when Paul told us to "seek" those things that are to a higher place — namely, the things where Christ is — he was urging us to put frontwards our most earnest efforts. This is precisely what I had chosen to do that afternoon at the exhibition! I had chosen to r efocus my thoughts from those material objects and to put my mind on "things above."

Then in verse two, Paul wrote, "Set your amore on things above.…" The words "set your affection" are a very poor translation of the Greek text, where Paul used the word phroneo. This word is derived from the Greek discussion phren — a discussion that describes i's listen or intellect. As Paul used this give-and-take in Colossians 3:2, it could exist interpreted as to focus one's thoughts. Thus, it could be translated, "Set your thoughts on things above…"; "Make the decision to focus on things above…"; or "Deliberately think on things higher up.…" Information technology depicts a selection or a conclusion made with a person'due south listen that is contained of his or her emotions.

Paul and so plainly told u.s. again that we are to put our focus on "…things above, not on things on the earth." In Greek, the words "things above" is ta ano. In this case, ta means things, as in many things, and the Greek discussion ano ways above, every bit opposed to the many things that are below. What multitude of things do y'all and I possess that are "above"? Well, from verse 1, nosotros know first of all that Christ Himself is in a higher place, seated at the correct hand of the Father. And every bit nosotros focus our thoughts on Jesus, we are putting ourselves in remembrance of all He has provided for u.s. in Him. Of class, there is a rich inheritance of blessings He has supplied for the states to bask in this life on the earth, simply Paul says there are many things in a higher place that nosotros are to set our attention on! Today I want us to focus on this question: What are some of the "things above" we should set our thoughts on that will be ours to enjoy in one case we get to Heaven?

  • A reunion with our family members, friends, and acquaintances who have preceded usa (see Hebrews 12:1)
  • Rewards earned as a result of our obedience (se due east 1 Corinthians 3:8; Revelation 22:12)
  • No more than tears, no decease, no pain, no sickness, no past, no curse, no darkness, no night (run into Revelation 21:iv, 21:25; 22:3,5)
  • Eternal life (meet Romans 2:7)

There are then many eternal treasures that have been laid up for us in Jesus Christ that it is impossible to compile a complete list. Truly, piles upon piles of divine blessings and rewards "to a higher place" await united states. In that location just isn't plenty fourth dimension or space for whatever of us to brand a list that encompasses all God has freely bestowed upon united states through His Son Jesus!

That's why "things below," or on the earth, are low-level compared to the treasure trove of "things higher up" that God has provided us. When we are tempted to experience that we aren't blest or that we've suffered too much or that we lack what others possess, it's time for the states to obey Paul's control to refocus our attention on eternal things and non on things on the earth. The word "on" in Greek is epi, which depicts something that is but sitting "on" the earth and is therefore movable and temporary, such as antiques and heirlooms that are passed from one generation to the next. No ane takes these things with them when they dice because they are all globe-connected.

W ith this in mind, Colossians three:1,2 could be paraphrased:

" S inc e so you are raised together with Christ, earnestly and intensely seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Focus your heed on the many things that are to a higher place, and don't get stuck in depression-level thinking most temporary things here on the earth."

Today I want to encourage you to refocus your thoughts — and not to depend on your emotions to practice information technology. Your emotions aren't needed for what I'm describing. Whether or not you feel like it, deliberately put your heed on things above — on all that God has prepared for you to share with Him in the eternity to come up! If needed, get alee and brand a list. Do whatever yous must do, just motility your thoughts from low-level thinking to high-level thinking, and focus on those things higher up that really matter.

You really are the one who decides what you set up your thoughts on. It's upwardly to you to maintain your focus on Jesus and the "things above" that He has waiting for y'all to enjoy. So today and every solar day, no matter what'southward going on around y'all, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and your middle open to receive the victory and approval He'southward provided for you, both in this life and in the life to come!


athe r , I thank Y'all for the many blessings laid up for me in Christ to partake of here on this globe. And many more blessings and rewards are waiting for me when I reach Heaven. Delight forgive me for getting stuck in low-level thinking about all the things it seems I lack right now. Instead of focusing on what I don't have right now hither on earth, please help me reset my thoughts and begin focusing on things in a higher place.

I pray this in Jesus' name!


I confess that Heaven is loaded with spiritual blessings and treasures that are waiting for me! But that which pertains to eternal life awaits me! There will exist no more tears, sickness, pain, or death. And then I choose to refocus my thoughts and I declare that I will not dwell on low-level thinking about the earthly possessions I do not have. And I will receive past faith and enjoy all the blessings God has for me here on earth every bit well. These are all only a taste of the treasure trove of blessings that are waiting for me!

I declare this by faith in Jesus' proper noun!


  1. Tin you remember of some awards that await you in Sky considering of your obedience to do what God has asked you to practice here on globe? Why not encourage yourself by making a listing?
  2. You lot will see again one solar day your loved ones, who preceded you lot to Sky. In what way does that thought encourage you?
  3. What treasures are yours as a child of God in this life? I encourage y'all to make a listing, and so begin today to merits those treasures as yours in the Name of Jesus!

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