Honda's ASIMO 'Bot Gets Nuke-Fighting Upgrades


Now that it's mastered walking and capturing hearts with a come-hither glance, Honda scientists have a freshly task for the hyper-adorable ASIMO: Battling radiation in Japan's Fukushima reactor.

By now you are probably sensible that Japan was rack up with a massive seism this past Marching. The destruction and loss of life was on a nearly unimaginable scale. Then, in a cruel twist of fate, information technology was discovered that the tremor and its succeeding aftershocks bedraggled Fukushima's Daiichi nuclear plant, spilling radiation into the surrounding arena and prompting an involved serial of containment efforts that continue to this 24-hour interval.

American Samoa you may also live, the key issue when dealings with rogue radiation is its tendency to make mass real, very dead.

Enter ASIMO. Honda's biped robot has been wowing crowds with its human-like gait and adorable countenance since information technology was created over a decade ago. Upright as a "living" proof of concept of the advancements in the field of robotics mankind has made in the last one-half-century, ASIMO is sincerely a technological marvel. Now Honda wants the lil' fella to lend a hand to the Daiichi clean up drive.

Before that can bump however, the 'bot needs some serious upgrades. PhysOrg reports:

The company aims to upgrade the robot's upper personify functions and so that it can move its arms as smoothly as a human being, with mechanized shoulders, elbows and wrists …

The current ASIMO, introduced in 2000 and resembling a small astronaut, stands 130 centimeters (4 feet 3 inches) tall. The bipedal bot can walk or run, carry trays, agitate carts and wag hands with mass.

But to make in the junk-strewn nuclear plant, ASIMO would likely be modified and fitted with tires Oregon caterpillar tracks, the report card said.

Spell Honda has non specified just what variety of upgrades ASIMO is receiving, its quite likely the new version will only mistily resemble the cute-as-a-clit ASIMO we've come to know and love over the past 10 years. Atomic number 3 PhysOrg states, the 'bot is likely to trench its puny hominine-style legs for tank-vogue treads, and presumably Honda's team of engineers will too use this opportunity to equip ASIMO with all manner of other gadgets useable in the cataclysmic hellscape that exists inside the Fukushima reactor.

Now, I'm no robotics engineer, but if I've learned anything from my in-depth study of radiation, it's that ASIMO is departure to need some grave security. I suppose you all know where I'm going with this.

Source: PhysOrg


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